Register your trademark internationally through WIPO

You can file your trademark un number of countries through a single filling which saves your money.

Start my WIPO application

Let’s protect your brand internationally!

Filling your trademark was never so easy !!! You can file your trademark in 180+ countries through 3 easy steps.

Trademark Registration Internationally



All in One

Features Included

  • Search and analysis
  • Advise on Chosing countries
  • 1 class filling
  • Max 6 countries
  • word + design
  • Issuance of e-certificate
  • Gov fee not included



Full Assurance + Extras

Features Included

  • All Premium Features +
  • Multi – class filling
  • 1 class filling
  • Unlimited countries

Services We Provide

Legal advisory is a key to success for any company in order to protect your business
and to take the best route for your company success.

Steps for trademark registration internationally

  • You must have filed your trademark atleast in one country before proceeding for WIPO
  • We file your trademark on the basis of your 1st country filling
  • You must choose your countries or provide us the desire countries where you wish to protect
  • After finalizing countries, we proceed with the filling
  • Preliminary examination international phase
  • Response to any objections or examination report
  • Publication in official gazette
  • Regitration of trademark (International phase)
  • Beginning of national phase
  • Response to any objections or examination report
  • Registration of trademark (National phase)


One Stop LAW FIRM for YOU

You can file your trademark in 165+ countries using single platform and through expert lawyers. This is not it, you can get a lot of other legal services through this platform i.e. immigrations lawyers, civil and criminal lawyers etc.

Simple Trademark filling process

Your business is important to us, your information will be handled with care and confidentiality.

Expedited Process

We take your business and time very seriously. Most of the application processed through us filed in 24-48 hours


Trademark Search
Trademark search is one of the most important step which is mandatory in our trademark fillings regardless of the country. Trademark search process is a key step before filling the trademark in USA, through this process you get to know, wether the trademark you wish to register is available and the trademark will not infringing anyone’s right.

Mandatory Trademark Filling with contracting party
It is mandatory to file your trademark first in any of the contracting party which is party to Madrid Protocol before initiating application internationally.

Trademark Filling Process
Trademark filling process is another important step to file your application. It is important that the trademark must filed in a proper manner which would assure your trademark acceptance. ule team allows you to file your trademark application anywhere in the world including the WIPO through qualified Attorneys in a cost efficient manner. It further ensures, that the trademark application will have less chances of refusals.

Trademark Examination Process & International Stage
Once the trademark is filed with the WIPO, the application will be assigned to the examiner approximately in 3 months. Once the examination process will be completed by the examiner, you will jump to the international registration stage.

National Stage
Once the application gets registered,. WIPO send your trademark file to national office for further processing of the file. Your trademark will go through sunstanstive examination and repeat the steps of examination and publication.  If your trademark gets approved in examination, the application gets published in the official gazette for 30 days. If no opposition filed by third party, the trademark registration certificate will be issued.

Some of our Global Client’s

Some of our happy client’s who shared their experiences

Some Of Our Clients

Legal advisory is a key to success for any company in order to protect your business and to take the best route for your company success.

Frequently Asked Questions

The initial examination period is 3 months and the total procedure may take 9-12 months.  
The Amazon Brand Registry Service is complementary under the Premium and Professional package. 
You can choose either choose 1(a) Already in use, for which you have to provide the date of first use and proof of use which includes online links and product pictures taken from mobile or 1(b) intend to use (statement of use) in which you may submit the proof of use within the period of 5-6 months if trademark examination and no opposition arise. 
Yes, you can get the SOU extension for 36 months.  
You cannot register the trademarks that are merely descriptive, the trademarks which cause public disorder, generic terms used in our daily life, state names, national flags, emblems of international organizations, marks that do not demonstrate distinct characteristics, geographical indication and location names. 

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Would you like to speak with one of our IP Adviser over the phone to discuss your requirements? Just Submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

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